1) About product:
This product is about to solve the problem of people having more eye sight. The product is an app named screen lens. It has our eye sight values and we can adjust which comforts our eye problem. Or there is another way to solve it,
We can make the screen of our mobile with that eye sight.
This is also used for laptops or our computers.
36 million people worldwide are blind. Four in five of them could keep their sight with simple surgery or treatment. Millions more can’t see clearly, yet need no more than a simple pair of glasses. So for those people it is very useful.
In small phones also we can use this.
As shown in this picture we can make our screens. Visual acuity is often measured according to the size of letters viewed on a Snellen chart or the size of other symbols, such as Landolt Cs or the E Chart.
In some countries, acuity is expressed as a vulgar fraction, and in some as a decimal number.
Using the metre as a unit of measurement, (fractional) visual acuity is expressed relative to 6/6. Otherwise, using the foot, visual acuity is expressed relative to 20/20. For all practical purposes, 20/20 vision is equivalent to 6/6. In the decimal system, acuity is defined as the reciprocal value of the size of the gap (measured in arc minutes) of the smallest Landolt C, the orientation of which can be reliably identified. A value of 1.0 is equal to 6/6.
2)Market Demand: It gives more demand in present world because there are so many people facing eye problem while using mobile phones. All can use without any fear this product. It helps us to do our works. One of the biggest concerns in eye health today is the phenomenal speed at which blindness is taking hold in our elderly compared to a few years ago. There have been a lot of studies back and forth surrounding why blindness is on the rise across the world and the biggest theories surround our widespread daily use of digital screens.
But are these digital screens the direct cause of the rise in blindness, do they present a problem for your eyes in the future and if so, how do you prevent it from happening? Today I am going to try and cover all these questions and equip you with the knowledge that will help prevent damage to your eyes in the future!
This product gets success conform.
3).Relevant Products in the market:
VS-V Standard Vision Screener for Occupational Health
Quickly test acuity, binocular vision, depth perception, phoria eye coordination, stereopsis, color perception, peripheral vision, near and far vision.
The VS-V blends technological convenience with more than 80 years of vision testing research, expertise and excellence. Like its predecessors, the VS-V features several unique competitive advantages — such as testing in reflected light rather than with backlit targets to mirror everyday visual function. Now with larger viewing lens the VS-V accommodates examinees who use progressive lens glasses. The VS-V is the only screener on the market that comes standard with 4 integrated testing distances.
· All Eye Disorders:
We all depend on our vision in more ways that we may realize. Without healthy vision, our ability to work, play, drive or even recognize a face can be drastically affected. Many factors can affect our eyesight, including other health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Having a family member with eye disease can make you more prone to having that condition as well. Sight-stealing eye disease can appear at any time. Very often they are unnoticeable at first and are difficult to detect.
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the eye and visual system. The eye, its surrounding structures and the visual system can be affected by a number of clinical conditions. Ophthalmology involves diagnosis and therapy of such conditions, along with microsurgery.
The information provided in this app is well filtered and revised to accommodate the need to make it as easy to the users as possible, after all you wouldn’t want to ditch your textbook only to pick up another in the name of a simple guide.
As these products my product also helpful for people facing eye problems while using mobiles.
4).Target Customers:
1. Identify Your Ideal Client: It’s easier to look for customers if you know the type of consumers you seek. Without a composite of your ideal customer, you probably wouldn’t know where to start looking.
2. Discover Where Your Customer Lives:
With your targeted customers in mind, “identify those places where they are likely to be found (media, online, offline, mail, etc.), and then create messages for them,” says Jeff Motter, CEO and chief marketing officer of East Bay Marketing Group.
3. Know Your Business Inside and Out:
Thoroughly understanding your industry and having a firm knowledge of your product or service is critical to being able to attract interested clients. When you know your product backward and forward, that fact comes through. The people who would be interested in your offerings can see how knowledgeable you are and will seek your assistance.
4).Required Knowledge or Expertise:
Device Based Technology Solutions
· Corneal Inlay — A small, ring-like device that may soon replace reading glasses. Implanted under the eye’s outer surface, it can correct both near-sightedness and far-sightedness.
· Printing new eye — Possibly being able to aid in curing blindness, 3D printed eye cells use a printer to print living retinal cells of adult rats in any pattern, which could be used to create tissue grafts for defective eye tissues. 3D printing is also being used to create prosthetic eyes.
· Smartphone eye exams — Remote vision tests are made possible using a mobile app and a digital retina camera attached to a smartphone. Peek™ and D-EYE™ have created this portable exam tool to allow doctors to examine retinal images especially for people located in remote places.
· Apps for blind- A host of new visually impaired assistive technology apps are being developed to help with vision problems, Tap Tap See is a mobile camera app that can “speak” to the visually impaired by telling them what an object is when they point a smart phone camera at an object. The Viz Wiz app, which combines automatic image processing, anonymous web workers, and members of the user’s social network, allows the blind to quickly receive answers to questions about their surroundings.
· Gene therapy for vision loss — Researchers from Johns Hopkins have shown that an experimental gene therapy is safe and may be effective in preserving the vision of those with macular degeneration — a leading cause of vision loss in the U.S. and for which no treatment exists. Likewise, the Biotechnology Company, Spark Therapeutics, is working on the gene therapy called voretigene neparvovec to treat RPE65-mediated inherited retinal disease, a rare retinal disorder that causes blindness.
This product can implement in all like mobiles, desktop, cloud platform (for deployment).
5).Solution: Here I want to introduce two types of products like, a software tool for making screen lens. And an app to introduce the new program that all types of problems of eye sight will get solved.
6).Estimated Budget: Budget!!! I will expect the budget I believe my hard work and go on.
7).Product Pricing:
1.Work out your costs. Include all direct costs, including money spent developing a product or service. Then calculate your variable costs (for supplies and materials, packaging and so on) — the more you make or sell, the higher these will be. Work out what percentage of your fixed costs (overheads such as rent, rates and wages) the product needs to cover. Add all of these costs together and divide by volume to produce a unit break-even figure.
2.Consider cost-plus pricing. You will need to add a margin or mark-up to your break-even point. This is usually expressed as a percentage of break-even. Industry norms, experience or market knowledge will help you decide the level of mark-up. If the price looks too high, trim your costs and reduce the price accordingly. Be aware of the limitations of cost-plus pricing, because it works on the assumption you will sell all units. If you don’t, your profit is lower.
8).Marketing Plan:
Set a value-based price. You’ll need to know your market well to set a value-based price. For example, the cost to bring a hairdryer to market might be £10. But you might be able to charge customers £25 if this is the market value.
Mention my plan in advertisements and social medium to introduce my plan.
9).Risk Analysis: There can be many problems to introduce a product and get success while getting that product. All higher official get to that program or product. If they get satisfied with that product we complete our first step and then the second step is introducing our product to public. And the third step is public, they should satisfy with this product. If these steps get cleared we can get our full success. These are the risks we have to face after our discovery.
10).Milestone and Timeline:
If we get an idea to introduce a product it will take much time to launch. Time taken to planning is it will take 2 or 3 months to me, to execute my plan. After planning it will not take much time to implement the product. For testing it can take more time because we get through our mistakes and get cleared. After testing we can launch the product with in one month.